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Memory Loss & Dementia

If you (or someone you know) are experiencing memory loss issues and would like to get more help, the following organisations work in the Sid Valley - click on the links:

The Sid Valley Memory Café is for anyone experiencing memory problems or who has been newly diagnosed with dementia, and their relatives/friends who support them. The Café also funds the Sid Valley Admiral Nurse. Sidmouth Hospice at Home provides specialist nursing and volunteer support for anyone diagnosed as palliative, and their carers and families, including respite support for carers of people with advanced dementia.

Living with Dementia booklet

Sidmouth Hospice at Home has produced a booklet listing the support available in the Sid Valley for people living with dementia. Click HERE to download a copy.



Sid Valley Help is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registered in England no. 1181458.

Disclaimer: Sid Valley Help provides signposting information and not advice. We have tried to ensure the information in this website is accurate but Sid Valley Help cannot be held responsible if it is wrong, incomplete or out of date. Please check and take advice before making any decisions. We have no control over other websites to which there may be hypertext links and no liability can be accepted in relation to those sites. 

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