Admiral Nurse
The Admiral Nurse in Sid Valley is Tracy Hansford
Sidmouth Community Services
Sidmouth Hospital
All Saints Road
01395 519910
Objective: Dementia UK ( provides specialist dementia support for families through our Admiral Nurse service. When things get challenging or difficult for people with dementia and their families, Admiral Nurses work alongside them, giving the one-to-one support, expert guidance and practical solutions people need. The unique dementia expertise and experience an Admiral Nurse brings is a lifeline - it helps everyone in the family to live more positively with dementia in the present, and to face the challenges of tomorrow with more confidence and less fear.
Activities and Support Offered: Practical advice, guidance, and emotional support. This can be achieved by one to one visits in your own home or at Sidmouth Victoria Hospital outpatients department. The Admiral Nurse can meet with you alone (as the carer of someone living with Dementia) to give you space to speak openly in confidence. The Nurse can also meet you with the person you are caring for present and/or with the wider family if and when required. This support can be accessed anytime from diagnosis through to end of life.
Target Group: Unpaid carers (e.g. spouse, family or friend) of person living with Dementia who is providing a significant level of support to help the person remain at home, or to help support you as the carer through transitions of care, for example when the person you care for is moving from home to a care setting and vice versa. The person living with Dementia must be registered with the Sid Valley GP Practice.
Transport Provided? No
Is there are charge? No.
The Admiral Nurse is funded by the Sid Valley Memory Café ( register charity) who raise over £50,000 a year to pay for the service. See
Is a referral required? Yes - this MUST be done via your GP at Sid Valley Practice.