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Befriending Service

Sid Valley Help

The Befriending Service visits people at home who are housebound or isolated due to illness, disability or other reasons that stop them going out and being involved socially. 

Volunteers will spend about an hour once a week or once a fortnight meeting up with people in their home for a chat. If you would like someone to visit you at home on a regular basis, then contact us on 01395 892 011 to find out more.

Befriending services are also offered by:

Sidmouth Hospice at Home


Independent Age

St Vincent de Paul Society Sidmouth

Sid Valley Help is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registered in England no. 1181458.

Disclaimer: Sid Valley Help provides signposting information and not advice. We have tried to ensure the information in this website is accurate but Sid Valley Help cannot be held responsible if it is wrong, incomplete or out of date. Please check and take advice before making any decisions. We have no control over other websites to which there may be hypertext links and no liability can be accepted in relation to those sites. 

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