Sid Valley Help is a local charity that provides information on health and social care support services in the Sid Valley
For information click on a category in a blue box or contact us:
01395 892 011
or text 07378 964521
Our aims are to:
provide a signposting service on health and care support services in the Sid Valley
build a network of local support organisations
identify gaps in non-statutory health and care support services and help to fill them.
Current priorities are reducing loneliness in all age groups and mental health, particularly in young people.
Sid Valley Help has about 25 volunteers, six trustees and a Volunteer Manager (at March 2024). Our current activities are:
we support around 25 vulnerable households with social visits and help with shopping through our Befriending Service
we operate a signposting service with a website and telephone and email contacts that provides information on local, county and national health and social care services
we run classes and social events such as weekly Strength & Balance Classes and a monthly group for Young at Heart Ladies
in conjunction with the Sidmouth Wellbeing & Health Action Team (WHAT) we organise and raise funding for local mental wellbeing projects such as Headlight peer groups and mentoring for young people, Parent+ groups for parents and carers and I-Belong training
we hold network meetings and training sessions for Sidmouth's voluntary health and social care organisations and are part of the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) network in East Devon
we attend the weekly NHS Community Health & Social Care team meetings
we work closely with other local and national voluntary organisations trying to identify gaps in provision and we try to fill them.
In recent years Sid Valley Help has received funding from Sidmouth Town Council, East Devon District Council, Devon County Council, the Royal Devon NHS Trust, The Norman Family Trust, The David Gibbons Foundation, The Allen Lane Foundation, Sidmouth Consolidated Charities, Sidmouth College, Sidmouth Lions, Sidmouth Parish Church, and Sidbury Fireworks Festival, plus donations from many individuals. We are very grateful for the financial support we have received.